Bhiwapur Mahavidyalaya, Bhiwapur Arts, Commerce, B.VOC & Science (Senior and Junior)
This page contains only the selected documents submitted to NAAC in response to the DVV Clarifications. The complete set of information can be accessed on the page titled as SSR on the Institution’s Website.
The web links of supportive documents, evidences and files with additional information submitted in response to DVV queries are given below:
Criteria No. / Extended Profile | Web - links |
1.1 Students | Seats sanctioned or the admission approval documents received from the affiliating university for all the AYs under the assessment period, highlighting the figures.
AY - 2018-2019 AY - 2019-2020 AY - 2020-2021 AY - 2021-2022 AY - 2022-2023 |
2.1 Teachers | Number of teaching staff / full time teachers during the last five years (Without repeat count)
AY - 2018-2019 AY - 2019-2020 AY - 2020-2021 AY - 2021-2022 AY - 2022-2023 |
2.2 Teachers | Provide the list of all full -time teachers indicating the departmental affiliation during the assessment period authenticated by the Principal / Competent authority
AY - 2018-2019 AY - 2019-2020 AY - 2020-2021 AY - 2021-2022 AY - 2022-2023 |
3.1 Institution | Expenditure excluding salary component year wise during the last five years (INR in lakhs)
AY - 2018-2019 AY - 2019-2020 AY - 2020-2021 AY - 2021-2022 AY - 2022-2023 |
C-I Curricular Aspects |
HEI needs to provide : 1. The student’s attendance list duly signed by the students. 2. Certificates of top five students (clear version). 3. Answer sheets of top five students, of the following VACs: (i). Certificate Course in Banking and Financial Services: 2022-23 (ii). Certificate Course in Beautician: 2019-20 (iii). Certificate Course in Domestic Data Entry Operator: 2022-2023 (iv). Certificate Course in Fashion Designing: 2022-23 (v). Certificate Course in Financial Accounting using Tally, ERP 9 (MOU with Tally Education Pvt.LTD.): 2019-20 (vi). Certificate Course in Gardening: 2022-23 (vii). Certificate Course in Handicraft: 2019-20 (viii). Certificate Course in Human Rights Education: 2022-23 (ix). Certificate Course in Journalism Marathi: 2018-19 (x). Certificate Course in Macrame Art: 2022-23 (xi). Certificate Course in Mehandi: 2018-19 Data Template of all Certificate Courses with links. |
Number of students enrolled in Certificate/ Value added courses and also completed online courses of MOOCs, SWAYAM, NPTEL etc. as against the total number of students during the last five years Clarification for Students claimed in 1. Certificate Course in Mehandi 2. Certificate Course in Swimming Data Template of all Certificate Courses with links and Number of Students |
Percentage of students undertaking project work/field work/ internships (Data for the latest completed academic year) HEI needs to provide a. the certificate, b. index/content page, c. first chapter, conclusion/last chapter of project works /fieldwork/ internships dissertation or report of the following students: i. Manish Gajbhiye: B. Com ii. Pravin Mangar: B.A. iii. Mithun Borsar : B. Com iv. Amit Gupta: BSC Math v. Aniket Kase: BSC Physics vi. Deepali Ivnate: BSC Chemistry vii. Tanuja Dhanvijay: BA Eng viii. Tejaswini Gharat: BA Eng ix. Vaishnavi Bankar: BA Eng. |
1. Provide receipts, repair bills, or any pertinent e-transfer documentation corresponding to expenses incurred during the resolution of the identified issues in the five AYs under the assessment period. 2. Provide filled-in google feedback forms submitted in AY2022-23 : i. B.A ii. B. Com iii. B.Sc iv. M.A. (Political Science) v. M.A.(Sociology) vi. M.A.(Economics) 3. HEI needs to provide filled-in feedback of the parents of above- mentioned students too. |
C-II Teaching-learning and Evaluation |
2.1.1 Provide Document relating to Sanction Provide Document relating to Sanction of intake and Approved admission list
program-wise from affiliating University/Government/statutory body for all AYs
Sanction of intake and Approved admission list program-wise 2018-19 Sanction of intake and Approved admission list program-wise 2019-20 Sanction of intake and Approved admission list program-wise 2020-21 Sanction of intake and Approved admission list program-wise 2021-22 Sanction of intake and Approved admission list program-wise 2022-23 |
1. Provide Copy of letter issued by state govt. or Central Government Indicating the reserved categories to be considered as per the state rule (in English as applicable) 2. Provide Admission extract submitted to the state OBC, SC and ST cell during the year 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22 & 2022-23. |
Provide the required/supporting documents as per the SOPs manual for fulfilment of metric. HEI to provide “Student–Full time Teacher Ratio” certificate attested by the principal. |
Sanction letters (in English) indicating number of posts (including Management sanctioned posts) by competent authority. |
Provide in a block data format relevant particular, such as ID number, affiliated department, joining date, leaving date, date of receiving Ph.D./NET/ SET, certificate for the following teachers: i. Amit S. Thakare ii. Ashwini Madhaorao Kadu iii. Ravikant Prasad Mishra iv. Jobi George v. Sunil Krushnarao Shinde vi. Mangesh Vasantrao Kadu vii. Motiraj Ramdas Chavhan viii. Madhukar Vithobaji Nandanwar ix. Vijay Shankarrao Dighore x. Raheel Khalik Quraishi xi. Anita Vivek Mahawadiwar xii. Rajesh Santoshrao Bahurupi xiii. Someshwar V. Wasekar xiv. Aditya K. Sarwe xv. Rajasree O.P. xvi. Vinita Shivaji Virgandham xvii. Sachin B. Kubade. |
Provide the final-semester results, for AY2022-23 published, by the affiliating university only “HIGHLIGHTING” the names of students who have passed their final semester examination in a minimum stipulated period, for example, only three years for the graduation degree, and excluding backlog students, of the following programs: i. B.A ii. B. Com iii. B.Sc. iv. M.A. (Political Science) v. M.A.(Sociology) vi. M.A.(Economics). |
C-III Research, Innovations and Extension | 3.1.1
HEI needs to provide the sanctioned letters, utilization certificates, and requisition forms of the required items, for the claims it has made in the AY-2022-23. |
3.2.2 Provide title-of-the workshops-wise/seminars-wise/conference-wise: i. One Day State Level Webinar on "New Education Policy: Challenges & Opportunities. ii. National Workshop on, ''Fundamental of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)'' iii. One day Workshop on " How to Create Google Scholar Account" iv. One Day Workshop on “Creating Digital Research Library for the Department” v. One Day Workshop on "Attainments of course outcomes" vi. Workshop for Non- Teaching Staff on Stress and Time Management: A Skill vii. National Conference on ''Recent Trends in Physics & Mathematical Sciences (NCRTPM-2023)'' viii. National Workshop on "Intellectual Property Rights and Entrepreneurship Development". |
Provide, in a calendar year-wise and research publication-wise manner: 1. Web links that lead directly to the published research papers 2. Names of author(s). 3. Links to the homepage of the journal. 4. ISSN number. 5. Clarification regarding its inclusion in the UGC care list or SCOPUS (along with the UGC care list number or source ID). |
Provide, in a structured manner, the following details categorically: 1. The name of the author(s), 2. A hyperlink directing to the published book or papers featured in national/international conference proceedings, 3. The cover page, table of contents, and the first page of the referenced publications. |
Number of extension and outreach programs conducted by the institution through organized forums including NSS/NCC with involvement of community during the last five years. Links / uploads of Photographs (preferably with banner) and any other supporting document of relevance should have proper captions and dates. AY-2018-2019 AY-2019-2020 AY-2020-2021 AY-2021-2022 AY-2022-2023 |
Provide the following evidence: 1. The nature of MoUs/collaborations 2. The names of students / faculty involved with other organizations’ engineers/ students/ faculties 3. Annual progress report or final Project/internship report of each MoU/collaboration. |
C-IV Infrastructure and Learning Resources |
Provide the year-wise financial audit sheet duly certified by the recognized agency/CA specifically “HIGHLIGHTING” only the heads on expenditure for infrastructure development and augmentation excluding salary. Financial audit sheet 2018-2019, bills, grant letters, and stock registers Financial audit sheet 2019-2020, bills, grant letters, and stock registers Financial audit sheet 2020-2021, bills, grant letters, and stock registers Financial audit sheet 2021-2022, bills, grant letters, and stock registers Financial audit sheet 2022-2023, bills, grant letters, and stock registers |
Geo-tagged photographs captured on the same date and at proximate times, supplemented with any additional pertinent information to corroborate the exclusive utilization of acquired computers for educational purposes, precluding any administrative applications. Additionally, HEI is mandated to furnish, in an organized manner, the following documentation: 1. Highlighted stock entries pertaining exclusively to computers designated for student usage, segregated by academic year and arranged chronologically. 2. Tax invoices arranged in chronological order |
Provide audited income and expenditure statement highlighting the items of expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities, duly certified by Principal and CA. Financial Audited Sheet 2018-2019 Financial Audited Sheet 2019-2020 Financial Audited Sheet 2020-2021 Financial Audited Sheet 2021-2022 Financial Audited Sheet 2022-2023 |
C-V Student Support and Progression |
Provide for AY 2022-23, scheme-wise, and category-wise a. List/ Excel Sheet of students/beneficiaries, endorsed by the institution's head. b. List of students/beneficiaries sourced from government agencies' portals or authorized agencies, specifically. c. In the downloaded PDFs, HEI is instructed to prominently "HIGHLIGHT" only those beneficiaries who have received payment/benefits, indicated by a status of "SUCCESS." |
Capacity development and skills enhancement activities are organised for improving students’ capability. 1. Soft skills 2. Language and communication skills 3. Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene) 4. ICT/computing skills |
Percentage of students benefitted by guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling offered by the Institution during the last five year. 1. A digital copy of Circulars/Brochures/Reports delineating guidance programs for competitive examinations or career counselling. 2. Geotagged photographs accompanied by descriptive captions from these programs, providing visual evidence of their occurrence and participation. 3. Comprehensive information regarding the personnel involved in each program, elucidating their roles and expertise. 4. Program-specific attendance records, documenting student participation in each activity to ascertain its efficacy and impact. |
1.Provide the following: i. Minutes of meetings held regarding all student grievances/complaints raised during AY2022-23 and their subsequent resolutions. ii. Itemized bills for expenses related to materials purchased, repair work, or replacement of furniture and fixtures in addressing the aforementioned grievances. 2. HEI has to provide AY-wise and committee-wise record(s) which show(s) only the number of teaching or non-teaching staff /students grievances, first, received, and then forwarded to the concerning committee, and then resolved or pending. |
I. Provide the requisite documentation for each of the following student: 1. Ankush Narayan Hedau: Reliance Jio Point, Bhiwapur 2. Mr. Amol Doye: Softpoint Computer Institute, Tiranga Chauk Nagpur 3. Mr. Dipak Shahare: Softpoint Computer Institute, Tiranga Chauk Nagpur 4. Mr. Vishal Waghamare: Jain's Engineers Associates, Vyankatesh Nagar, Near K.D.K. College, Nandanwan Nagpur. 5. Mr. Yash Wange: Jain's Engineers Associates, Vyankatesh Nagar, Near K.D.K. College, Nandanwan Nagpur. 6. Mr. Adesh Chandramani Meshram: Bhiwapur Mahavidyalaya, Bhiwapur 7. Miss. Ashwini Gautam Lokhande: Bhiwapur Mahavidyalaya, Bhiwapur 8. Mr. Krishna Umesh Thakare: Bhiwapur Mahavidyalaya, Bhiwapur 9. Miss. Neha Naresh Wankhede: Bhiwapur Mahavidyalaya, Bhiwapur 10. Mr. Gaurao Mahadeo Warhade: Bhiwapur Mahavidyalaya, Bhiwapur 11. Miss. Chitra Pandhurang Wadhai: Shri. Binzani city College, Nagpur 12. Miss. Nikita Padmakar Dhanvijay: Shri. Binzani city College, Nagpur. II. List of Students’ progression to Higher Studies |
Percentage of students qualifying in state/national/ international level examinations during the last five years2 Provide the following documents with the details 1. Session attended at HEI and program in which they are/were enrolled 2. Registration number, 3. Parentage, 4. E-copy of qualifying certificate. |
Provide in chronological order and organized by academic year: 1. A list exclusively comprising awards and medals attained for exceptional performance in sports or cultural activities at the University/State/National/International level. 2. The names of the student(s) who garnered said awards and medals. 3. Soft copies of the corresponding certificates awarded to the student(s). 4. Geo-tagged photographs showcasing students engaged in sports or cultural activities, preferably alongside banners. |
For the academic years 2021-22 and 2022-23, HEI are mandated to furnish the following in chronological order: 1. A catalog / brochure enumerating sports or cultural programs alongside a roster of participants, duly endorsed by the Principal. 2. Geographically tagged photographs corresponding to each event. 3. Sample certificates of the HEI's students therein. |
C-VI Governance, Leadership and Management |
Provide with an audit sheet highlighting expenditures related to the procurement and maintenance of essential software solutions, including the Attendance Management System (AMS), as well as any other pertinent management software acquisitions. Additionally furnish: i. Comprehensive particulars concerning online fee submissions of students for the Academic Year 2022-23 ii. Digitally generated examination hall tickets for the Academic Year 2022-23. |
Provide break-up of MISC. EXPENSES for AY2022-23 and AY2021-22 certified by the principal Data Template as required Certificates & electronic details documenting transfers made in favour of faculty members, and receipts confirming the payment of registration fees to the organizing agency. |
Submit the revised data sheet in a tabular format. This table must be organized according to academic years and segmented into five distinct blocks, each representing one AY. HEI is required to furnish, and receipts confirming the payment of registration fees to the organizing agency pertaining to all staff members, in the academic year 2022-23. | |
Provide academic-wise and chronological order 1. Notifications/Circulars on formation of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) for AY 2021-22 2. Reports and minutes of meeting(s) of IQAC for AY 2021-22. 3. Action taken report on feedback analysis for AY 2021-22 4. Supporting documents, such as a. purchase/repair bills against the expenditure incurred for resolving the grievances/complaints or b. any correspondence between the HEI and government officials that happened to solve any student(s) concern/complaint. or c. step taken by the HEI to make the learning environment more conducive and friendly d. Any follow-up action after receiving the NIRF/ other recognized rankings agency report for AY 2021-22, and AY-2022-2023. |
1. Provide substantiated documentation for the procurement of grants, or any other initiatives taken concerning the thematic areas of "Alternate Sources of Energy and Energy Conservation Measures," "Management of Diverse Categories of Degradable and Non-degradable Waste," and "Water Conservation". 2. Provide present electricity bills reflecting campus-wide consumption, with specific emphasis on energy utilization, both antecedent to and subsequent to a six-month period following the implementation of "Alternate Sources of Energy and Energy Conservation Measures." |
Provide receipts for the sale of various forms of e-waste to third parties, and evidence on safe & Effective handling of Used Batteries. |