Bi- Annual Multidisciplinary Research Journal ISSN 2277-4491
The VIBGYOR, a plethora of gem studded writings by eminent scholars from across the globe would genuinely usher a new vigour among the intellectuals in the world. The National and international luminaries in the Editorial Board would synchronize the views penned by renowned scholars from far and wide for publication. The bi-annual Multidisciplinary Research Journal extends its canvas to all qualitative writings.
Notes for Contributors:
The ‘VIBGYOR’ bi-annual Multidisciplinary Research Journal will be published in February and August.
Contributions in ‘VIBGYOR’ can be made in English, Marathi and Hindi languages.
Research articles should not exceed the word limit of 3000 words
All articles should be accompanied by an abstract of 200 words.
The articles must be in MS-Word format. It must be double spaced, with 1-inch margins, “Times New Roman, Font Size 12, Black.” Abstract should be in “Times New Roman, Font Size 10 (Italics), for Marathi and Hindi- Kruti Dev 10, Font Size 12”.
The images should be of high resolution.
References should be at the end of the articles in accordance with the Harvard-style manual.
The views expressed in articles published in the journal must be of respective authors. The publisher or the Editorial Board shall in no way be held responsible.
Decisions on publication are made pursuant to the referee’s comments.
Writers are requested to provide full details for further correspondence: Postal address, day-time phone numbers and E-mail address
Articles accepted for publication in ‘VIBGYOR’ may take six to eight months for publication from the date of acceptance.
All contributions submitted will be reviewed by Academic Peers
Subscriptions are payable in advance by crossed cheques/drafts/M.O. drawn in favour of the Editor-in-Chief, VIBGYOR, Bhiwapur Mahavidyalaya, Bhiwapur Dist: Nagpur (M.S.) India
Address for Correspondence:
VIBGYOR: Bi-annual Multidisciplinary Research Journal
Bhiwapur Mahavidyalaya, Bhiwapur Dist: Nagpur- 441201 (M.S.) India